This paradise of innumerable Alpine lakes in the Ritom-Piora region makes the area very attractive to fishermen.
In the lakes of Val Piora you can find different types of fish including:
- The Rainbow trout,
- The Brown trout,
- The Brown trout,
- The Brook trout,
- The Arctic char
Fishing at Alpine lakes is permitted from June 2nd (June 15th with a tourist license) until October 6th.
To go fishing, you need to obtain a valid fishing license.
You can request this license either at:
- the departure station of the Funicular
- the Chancelleries of the Ticino Municipalities (Chancellery of the Municipality of Quinto; Ph: 091 873 80 00)
- the Airolo Tourist Office (in the SBB Station building; Ph: 091 869 15 33)